Friday, June 21, 2013

Forbidden by Alan Chan

In this DVD, all routines are card effects which can be performed with a regular deck of cards. As a performing magician for more then 9 years, Alan has creative insight about card magic that he shares in this DVD. Alan performs and then explains in detail the following 6 effects: Named Deck: A Joker with a corner cut off is used to find the spectators selected card. The Selected card and the joker swapped places magically! The selected card now has a corner cut off while the joker becomes a normal card! Hypermind: Magician shows a deck with names of people written on the back of every card. Spectator chooses 2 cards and the total will add up to a selected card which matches the prediction by the magician. When the card is turned face down, the name on the back of the selected card is the spectators name! As a final kicker, the remaining cards are revealed and magically in sequential order in black and red, Aces to Kings! Satellite Moon: A deck is shuffled and then later mixed up by t

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