Saturday, December 01, 2012

Army of 52 Gaff Deck Training with Justin Miller

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Army of 52 Gaff Deck Training with Justin Miller

Army of 52 Gaff Deck Training with Justin Miller

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A gaff card is a specially printed card designed to fit in with your normal deck. What makes these cards so powerful is that spectators have never seen cards like these. The shock of seeing a never-before-seen card produced magically packs a powerful, magical punch. Ellusionist has created the ultimate vehicle to train you in the art of using gaff cards: the Army of 52 Gaff Training DVD.

The DVD guides you through every nook and cranny, gully, hill, and valley imaginable. By the time you're finished, you'll know so much about gaff cards and how to use them, you will be able to go out and astound people in ways you never thought were possible.

NOTE: The preview video shows the Ghost Gaff deck. The same type of material can be performed with the Red Gaff deck, but some cards are different between the decks.


STRANGER CARD: The performer places a BLUE backed prediction card in the spectator's hand, face down. Another spectator takes any card out of the RED backed deck, and he signs it. The card is put back into the deck. With no funny moves, the prediction card is then slowly, slowly turned over to reveal the spectator's SIGNED, selected card-- now with a BLUE back. What the...?!

PIP MATRIX: Cause the pips (suit symbols) to visually move around the selected card-- culminating with all of the pips jumping to one corner of the card.

CAPTAIN BLUR: Hold complete control of your spectator's senses. Their chosen card appears to literally go out of focus at your will.

... and tons more. Also includes exclusive, members-only access to the Army of 52 Discussion Forum at Ellusionist. What tricks are people coming up with? Need help on rou tining your gaff tricks? March into the forums for additional tips, discussion, and ideas on use of all the Ellusionist Gaff Decks.

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