Saturday, February 02, 2013

Lunaria Card by Outlaw Effects

In the twenties and thirties, there was a fairly well-known psychic by the name of Lunaria Rose - 'Luna' as she called herself. Following her disappearance, a box of Luna's Cards - the final printing it turns out - were found in an antique store. We were fortunate to have acquired some of them and have carefully protected them and the energy still contained within the Cards. For the first time in over 75 years, Luna Rose's Visiting Cards are available for those select few who do not fear the unusual, the extraordinary, the unexplainable! The 'Lunaria' is, first and foremost, a utility item for mentalists. It is the size of a business card and double-sided and is another proud addition to Outlaw's offerings of Pocket Mentalism. With a unique blend of images, letters, and numbers from both sides of the Card, you will be able to make predictions, tap into your spectators' imaginations, read their minds, and . . . yes . . . use the Card as a real, honest-to-goodness talking board should

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