Saturday, February 02, 2013

The Infinate End by Patrick Redford

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The Infinate End by Patrick Redford

The Infinate End by Patrick Redford

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An Uncanny Demonstration of Subliminal Persuasion

'This grid of nine images holds the power to control your mind. You may think that the choices you're about to make are void of influence, but you'll be sucked into the infinite inevitable end no matter how free a choice you think you've made.'

The Infinite End is a utility device that may be used to subtly select a specific pre-chosen audience member while creating the look of a random choice, it may be used as a peekless drawing duplication, and may even be used to demonstrate it's uncanny ability to subliminally persuade the mind.

The Basic Effect Happens in Two Parts:

A number and image are chosen by a subject. The perfromer goes on to explain how each and every image has been subliminally screaming that exact number. Furthermore, each image boldly points to the subject's named image. The board is then turned to display the named image boldly on the back.
  • Easy to do
  • Works Every Time
  • No Moving Parts
  • Resets Instantly
  • Blows Minds
Includes 43 page Booklet containing multiple routines and special laminated Infinite Prop.

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