Monday, May 06, 2013

Industry by Gauhier Stricker (PAL Version)

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Industry by Gauhier Stricker (PAL Version)

Industry by Gauhier Stricker (PAL Version)

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The DVD/book of a spectator is taken and examined carefully.

It's shown to anyone, and the magician doesn't toch it anymore. A random card is selected by the spectator: Queen of heart. The magician grabs the DVD and brings all the attention on the barcode, more particulary on its number suite. Everybody can constat it's aleatory.

The magician shown his hand empty, and slowly moves it on the barcode:

Visually, the numbers rearranged themselves for the name of the spectator's card: Q of heart!

The DVD and the magician's hands can be acuminated immediately.

It's man incredible souvenir for the spectator!

Combination a gimmick and a demonic psychological subtleties!

NOTE: This DVD is PAL formated and will not play in NTSC players. However, this DVD will play on computers with DVD-Rom drives and appropri ate software.

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