Monday, May 13, 2013

Spirit Mirror by Mark Steensland

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Spirit Mirror by Mark Steensland

Spirit Mirror by Mark Steensland

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Spirit Slates are *so* twentieth century. Now you can give your audience something they haven't seen before with the Spirit Mirror, a brand-new variation on the classic Spirit Slates routine.

Show a framed photo of an old woman, along with her mirror. Explain that she was a distant relative of yours, plagued all her life by unwanted communications from the dead. Now that she has passed on, you will attempt to contact her. Place the two frames face-to-face, put a lipstick in between, tie them together with a ribbon and ask for a message, which is revealed when the frames are untied.

Of course, the Spirit Mirror is great for a spookshow, but it also works well when used for predictions. (You can have the old woman tell you the name of a drawn card, for instance.) But no matter how you choose to present it, the Spirit Mirror is sure to produce chills and thrills (and maybe even a few laughs)!

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