Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The 5th Corner by Ben Harris

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The 5th Corner by Ben Harris (eBook)

The 5th Corner by Ben Harris (eBook)

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A flash back to 1987 and a 'long lost' manuscript, seen by only ten: Jerry Andrus, David Britland, Jeff Busby, Dave Faulkner, David Harkey, Ed Marlo, Dan McArthy, Harvey Rosenthal, Jay Sankey and Mark Trudinger, made it's brief, and only appearance... then, it was gone!

So what is the 5th Corner' It's a splash of ideas and techniques with a single playing card and it's ripped corners. You are both 'one ahead' and 'two behind' at the SAME TIME. This charming but annoying attribute is what probably led to the stony silence heard by the author in 1987. Can YOU make head-way with this strange and bizarre single-card oddity'

Why not give it a go, STRETCH you mind and explore.

Pages: 19 - 8.5' x 11' - Photo-illustrated - PDF Format

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