Sunday, July 21, 2013

Card Magic by Richard Kaufman

Lying in a dark undisturbed drawer for decades lay Harry Houdinis copy of THE DISCOVERIE OF WITCHCRAFT, a book written by Reginald Scot in 1584. It is the first book in the English language to describe sleight of hand tricks, and Houdinis copy was very special because it held the key to a mystery which fascinated magicians for centuries. Just who did Reginald Scot obtain all his information from - who was the magician who gave away some of the greatest and most closely guarded secrets of conjuring The answer lay in the barely legible notes Houdini had scribbled in the margins. Shakespeares copy, see in rear cover, read Houdinis less than cryptic message. Inside the back of the book were William Shakespeares handwritten notes of about fifty tricks and sleights, some of which appeared in THE DISCOVERIE OF WITCHCRAFT. The secret is now fully revealed for the very first time: the young Will Shakespeare, while having just fathered a child, needed money, so he took the job. In a story as ex

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