Thursday, August 25, 2011

Worlds Greatest Magic - Cards Across

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World's Greatest Magic - Cards Across (Video Stream)

World's Greatest Magic - Cards Across (Video Stream)

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Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.

Imagine no more...

If you could have one set of magic, this would be it! This benchmark collection features just about all of magic's most enduring and classic effects and routines. It's a fabulous compendium with many of the top masters in the world of magic teaching their handlings and routines for some of magic's classics. Linking rings, sponge balls, metal bending, cups and balls, thumb tips, Zombie, color-changing knives, and many, many more topics are all gathered in this one terrific reference set. Each volume covers a specific subject and features new, old, and sometimes rare footage by some of the top video producers in mag ic.

Since the days of David Devant, the idea of magically causing playing cards to move invisibly between two places has intrigued magicians and inspired them to come up with different twists and methodologies. Cards Across, as the basic plot has come to be known, is also of interest close-up and stage performers alike because of how well a strong performance of this trick plays for audiences.

On this volume you'll find some of magic's best performers performing and explaining their own versions of this time-honored classic. You'll find basic but strong handlings from Bill Malone and Michael Skinner to more involved routines with the cards visibly vanishing and traveling twice, such as in Dan Harlan's routine. Bruce Cervon causes two signed cards to travel while in Juan Tamariz's version, cards that were merely thought of move from one spectator's hand to another's. You'll also discover Michael Ammar's routine with sealed envelopes, with two selected cards traveli ng from one impossible place to another, and Michael Close's hilarious take, where the cards travel from one really impossible place to another.

If you've been looking to add to a version of cars across to your close-up or platform repertoire, this is a veritable embarrassment of riches!

Cards Across (Courtesy of Murphy's Magic Inc)

The BC Cards Across
Cards Across (Courtesy of Meir Yedid Magic)

Counter Cross

Cards Across

Butte Ox' Two Butte Ox!

This magic video stream contains the following videos:
  • Performance and Explanation: Cards Across (World's Greatest Magic): Performance and Explanation
  • Extras: Cards Across (World's Greatest Magic): Extras

  • This is a streaming media product. If you purchase this product, you will be given instant access to watch the video in your Wizard Headquarters account (login required). There is no shipping or waiting for the mailman. Learn magic instantly!
  • Instant access can only be granted for instant payment methods like credit cards and funded PayPal payments. Should you choose a non-instant payment method (i.e. e-checks or money orders) your access will be granted once your payment clears.
  • Use of our Instant Magic Video Streams is subject to the WHQ Streaming Media Services Terms & Conditions, found here. By purchasing this product you agree to these terms in all aspects.

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