Sunday, July 07, 2013

Free Choice by Christian Lavey

On the table are 6 cards and a set of cards in a card box. The spectator calls a number from one to six. The magician counts to the associated card and points with the finger to the card. Lets say the spectator chooses the number five and chooses with that the 4 of diamonds. No force required, the spectator has a FREE choice (like the effect name). Now you open the card box (which was lying on the table) and all cards are blank (or white whatever you want to call them) except for one, the card the spectator chose. The blank cards can be properly investigated by the spectator. The benefits of Free Choice: Pretty easy to perform (you can get distracted from female spectators dacolleta without a problem) Easy to prepare No rough and smooth No force, the spectator can choose EVERY number from one to six Logical sequence (or do you find it logical when the spectator says six and the magician answers: six, OK good, lets spell s-i-x and every letter is a card...) Easy reset so very good for

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