Monday, July 08, 2013

Fun With Matches Vol.1 by Wild-Colombini Magic

FANTASTIC, EASY MAGIC TRICKS WITH MATCHES (TOOTHPICKS, GOLF TEES ETC.). CONTENTS: NOTHING-TO-DO MATCHES (George Blake and Ken de Courcy): A match is inserted in each fist of a spectator, one match head down and one match head up. When the spectator opens his hands the two matches are now both the same way up! BACK, BACK AND RESTORED (Ken de Courcy): A match is broken into three pieces. Two pieces are dropped into the left hand and the head goes into the pocket. The left hand is opened and all three pieces are there. This is repeated. At the end, the match is restored! THE TWO THIEVES (Anonymous): You tell a story of two thieves trying to steal chickens, while you are using matches. At the end the spectators will have a big surprise! PENETRATING MATCHES (Martin Gardner): You show two matches, one in each hand. The matches seem to magically melt through one another! MAGIC MATCHES (Joe Hustler): A card is covered by matches. One card is selected. You tip the card with the matches over an

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