Saturday, January 05, 2013

Mona Lisa Van Gogh by Miracle Factory

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Mona Lisa Van Gogh by Miracle Factory

Mona Lisa Van Gogh by Miracle Factory

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An Artistic Comedy Routine

Perfect comedy magic for the close-up or stand-up performer!
Great audience participation with a touch of elegance!

The performer asks a volunteer to assist, saying that he believes they share the same taste in fine art. The magician shows the other spectators a small reproduction of the Mona Lisa as a prediction and sets it aside.

Now the magician says he will give the volunteer a free choice of several other famous paintings. The spectator doesn't see that they're all Mona Lisas, making the performer's success a certainty. The other audience members are in on the joke and laugh as they see that the paintings are all the same.

The volunteer chooses a painting and announces that the artist is... Van Gogh! The puzzled performer turns over the spectator's choice... it is indeed a scary-looking Van Gogh self-portrait.

The magician flips over his prediction. It's changed to the same Van Gogh, ending the routine successfully!
  • Sure-fire laughs
  • Beautiful reproduction paintings
  • Elegant drawstring bag
  • Magician's wax included

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