Saturday, January 12, 2013

Show Sign by Brennan Pimpinella

This is without a doubt the PERFECT sign to have in your shows. EVERYONE looks at constructions signs everyday. Humans' eyes are drawn to them when we see one. What better sign to have for your shows. This sign is printed on corrugated plastic so you don't have to worry about staining as they easily wipe clean. This sign will get a TON of attention at your shows. Some corporate clients will even ask to take pictures with the sign. When they see this in your show they will know they are dealing with someone they should pay attention too and will IMEDIATELY add creative value to your performances. 'When I first saw Brennan's magic sign. I was instantly drawn to it. I was lucky enough to be the first to try it in my show. Let me first explain that this really isn't a magic effect, but more of a utility/attention grabber. I first used this in my show to let people know that there was a magic show in progress. I attached a sign to it that showed the time. I like the idea that this is made o

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