Sunday, July 07, 2013

Magigram Vol. 3 by Wild-Colombini Magic

MAGIGRAM magazine ran from 1966 to 1995. It was printed by SUPREME MAGIC CO. and edited with superb ability by Ken de Courcy. The collaborators were the best ever, just to name a few: Ken de Courcy, Edwin, Ian Adair, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Lewis Ganson, Maurice Fogel, Arthur Carter, George Blake, David Britland, Pavel, George Johnstone, Billy McComb and a certain Aldo Colombini (I had a column for over 20 years on card magic written by Lewis Ganson). CONTENTS: DOMINATING DICE (Paul Marcus): A spectator thinks of a number and the card that falls at that number is taken. Using three dice, the spectator finds the selected card! STUCK (Joe Riding): A close up comedy coin routine with a very entertaining climax! DIS-COLOR (Ravelle and Andrae): Two discs of different colors are placed inside two envelopes and they change places. Everything can be examined! S.P.E.L.L.I.T (Francis Haxton): A card is selected and lost. You reveal three cards but none of them is the chosen one. You use one o

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