Sunday, July 07, 2013

Right Now by Nefesch (eBook)

RIGHT NOW is the name of my new manuscript, and includes three MENTALISM effects, that you can do any time anywhere to convince people that you CAN REALLY READ THEIR MINDS, this are effects that you can peform anytime someone asks you: READ MY MIND RIGHT NOW(which I dont know about you, but to me it happens very often!): The effects included in this manuscript are: 1) BUBBLES: A borrowed glass, and a borrowed beverage (gas beverage, like coke, pepsi, etc) You ask your spectator to think of the name of a person, a card, an object or whatever, you ask them to pour the coke in the glass and to see the bubbles that the gas place in the inner side of the glass, so far NOTHING, now you give them a spoon (borrwed if desired) you ask them to mix the coke using the spoon, the bubbles move (of course), but now they are shaping the initial letter of whatever they were thinking of! All objects can be borrowed, and it is almost impromptu, I would love to say it is impromptu, but NO it is not, for

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