Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ionic and Applications by Ben Harris

A COMPELLING FORCING PROCEDURE and amp; APPLICATIONS THEREOF IONIC is a ranging force, applied with the fingers, in order to arrive at an apparently random (or unknown number). Such forces-performed on the fingers-have been used for decades. Karrel Fox and Max Maven are both famous for their applications of the approach. For the record, Ray Hyman is credited with FIRST applying the idea to the use of the fingers. (See The Linking Ring, October, 1953). Rays application was for a book test called Its In The Book. Heres how it usually works: Imagine asking a spectator to hold up any number of fingers on her left hand, and any number of fingers on her right hand. Well say she holds up TWO fingers and THREE fingers respectively. The performer would take these two numbers (two and three) and reference them to a page number: So thats page 23... in this example. Sometimes, the range would appear to be larger as the performer would offer the CHOICE of reversing the number like this: So thats p


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