Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Sting by Bill Abbott

An Introduction from Bill Abbott: In 2006 Lou Leventhal was contributing to an an online forum about a ring flight routine that he had just performed for over 25,000 people at Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. This seemed impossible to me. I had to find out what he was doing to make a traditionally close-up effect play in such a large venue for such a huge audience! I paid Lou a significant sum of money for a DVD performance of the routine and the right to perform it in my paid shows. After viewing the performance I realized that I had just got the deal of a lifetime and immediately started working on the routine. Fast forward to 2011. I have just returned from a great few days with Lou at his home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where I had the joy of shooting one of the most incredible instructional DVDs I have ever had the privilege to produce. If youve ever dreamed of rocking a crowd of thousands with a trick that fits in your pocket - The Sting is for you! A Message from Lou Leventhal:


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