Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Ellis Aces by Ed Ellis (Vol. 4)

Ellis Aces - A lightning fast and highly visual finger tip single card production...multiple uses! Stair Step Control- Any four cards are inserted out and injogged. this creates a STEP look and the feeling of deck DEPTH before being squared. The last card is openly shown and maybe handled by the spectator before insertion! Then all apear on top with no extra handling! Axis Double - Designed to be openly shown then the indifferent card is placed in the middle of deck with NO APPARENT DITCH of object card on top! Demonstrates Eds INTENT CONTINUUMTHEORY. Rifle Slip Force - A known force with the addition of THE CARD CAME FROM THE CENTER,LOOK. Card Style - Additional ways to Add Single Card Flair than previously featured in Volume One. Materialize. Earth Shattering Magic - Hot card ideas to be seen on a future Download...Then all collapses!!!! Thanks to Dan Baxley on camera and sound, and master editor Harold E. Brown Jr. Great Job! So sit back, relax and enjoy this amazing and nbsp;Downl


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